chloride contaminationThe repair of corrosion damaged concrete containing chlorides is very difficult because of the continuing effects of the chloride salts.  Repair of chloride contaminated concrete is the single most difficult area of concrete repair.  Where the corrosion damage is severe or extensive, a detail plan of approach is required to restore serviceability and some durability to the structure.  Significant judgement and experience is required to balance cost of rectification against future durable service life. 
Richard Cortis has the expertise and experience to advise on options for rectification.

mortar deteriorationMany older brick buildings constructed using lime mortar and located close to the sea tend to suffer from deterioration of the mortar and corrosion of the brick ties.  Arch bars and lintels also tend to deteriorate with the expanding corrosion tending to lift or disrupt the brick wall.  
Richard Cortis has the expertise to assess these structures and recommend remedial measures to extend the durability and service life.

slab leakageThere are a many buildings where there are external areas over car parks or habitable areas which leak water into the spaces below.  
Richard Cortis can advise on the various methods available to control the leakage from above or below the slab.


Rising sea levels and occasional floods cause flooding with building owners adopting some innovative measures to control the nuisance. In the long term, more permanent measures may be required.